
大会专访 | 未来中国和新西兰企业合作的潜力和方向——访新西兰砂石协会会长Wayne Scott

发布日期:2024-01-04   浏览次数:

大会专访 | 未来中国和新西兰企业合作的潜力和方向——访新西兰砂石协会会长Wayne Scott

2023年12月6日,以“应对变局 理性发展 服务建设 行稳致远”为主题的第八届中国国际砂石骨料大会在上海盛大开幕。这是我国砂石行业近三年首个国际性会议,也是全球砂石行业又一个千人大会。

在会上,新西兰砂石协会会长Wayne Scott 作了关于新西兰砂石行业的演讲报告,报告中Wayne先生分享了新西兰砂石行业的市场情况,并提出未来中国和新西兰企业合作的潜力和方向。他表示,目前新西兰全国有 1,100 个活跃的采石场,其中95% 的采石场是家族企业。70%岩石来源为杂砂岩(灰黑色火山岩),30%为冲积岩(河卵石)。


大会期间,中国砂石协会融媒体中心专访了新西兰砂石协会会长Wayne Scott 先生,听他为我们讲述未来中国和新西兰企业合作的潜力和方向。




CAA: What is your opinion about the 2023 CAA Shanghai conference? Do you have some new understanding of Chinese aggregates industry and do you have some new gains after participating the conference?


Wayne:The Conference was very interesting and informative. I was interested in the advances in technology and the move to larger quarries that are environmentally better and utilise the economies of scale to remain competitive. I was impressed with the technological advances in manufacturing of crushing and screening plant and the fact that many suppluiers are now looking globally for business.



CAA: At the conference, CAA president Hu delivered a keynote speech on the current international and Chinese domestic economic situation and the sustainable development of the aggregates industry. What is your opinion of his presentation?


Wayne: I very much enjoyed Mr Hu’s speech and his insights into both the Chinese and international aggregates industries. The extensive investment China is making in research and development is paying off with the move to larger manufacturing factories and away from the traditional quarrying at smaller scale. I was also impressed with the emphasis on final use of quarried sites as tourism or leisure facilities, and the real sense of giving back to communities. China’s move to carbon neutrality will put greater emphasis on carbon sequestration at quarries such as wetlands and plantation forests.



CAA:What is your opinion and suggestions on the international cooperation in the aggregates industry?


Wayne: International cooperation and the sharing of learnings is essential across the aggregates industry. This will enable countries to learn from each other and will help in finding solutions to common problems across the sector.


CAA: How do you view the future trend of the global aggregates industry as the world economy is facing downward pressure?


Wayne: With growing populations and urbanisation there will continue to be a demand for aggregates. There is no substitution for these valuable construction materials. Different economies across the world will experience ups and downs but I am confident our industry will remain strong for many years to come.





Wayne Scott 是 MinEx 公司、矿业健康与安全委员会、新西兰砂石骨料和采石协会的首席执行官。2017 年回到新西兰之前,Wayne 是昆士兰自然资源和矿产部的小矿山战略的矿山督查专员。

Wayne Scott 在新南威尔士州和昆士兰州拥有 30 多年的采矿业经验。具有高级采掘业证书、若干安全培训资质,并且是澳大利亚采石场行业认证的执业师。Wayne 是新西兰采石场协会的会员、澳大利亚采石场协会前任理事,并于2012 年和 2013 年担任该协会会长。




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